albinistic mutations are often recorded in Redwood (Sequoia
sempervirens). Popular literature indicates these mutations are 'very rare' in S. sempervirens:
Discover Magazine has “25 of these trees are known to exist around the world,
eight of which are at Henry Cowell State Park in California”, while “Field
Notes by Barry Evans”, The Journal, Humboldt County “Only about 50 are known to
exist”. Exactly how frequent these mutations occur is uncertain.
Insofar as I find in literature, there is no certainty as to the type
of mutation that results in albinsitic crown sprouts in S. sempervirens. In general, the albino phenotype in vascular
plants results from mutations in either nuclear genes that code precursors for
plastid biogenesis, or in chloroplast genes, and at least in grasses, plants
with nuclear mutations often have plastids with only carotenoid pigments present, producing a
faint yellow in the affected leaves. The color of the mutant S. sempervirens below suggests no
mature carotenoid pigments form, as there is no hint of yellow pigment.
This albino S. sempervirens occurs near Nisene Marks State Park, Santa
Cruz, County. This particular clump has been essentially this size, about 2 meters tall, for nearly 2 decades now, although
individual stem axes die and are replaced.
The principal factor seemingly
associated with the state of this particular clump is that it gets ‘smothered’
by litterfall, which has broken or bent down individual stem axes over the
The albino phenotype of S.
sempervirens was reported upon by George J. Peirce in Proceedings California
Academy of Sciences, Third Series, Botany, Volume 2,
p. 83-107
(1900-1904), and reading his article it seems these albino trees were known
from throughout the Bay Area early on. Peirce
termed them “not an especially rare
peculiarity” and “I have entirely failed to detect even rudiments of plastids”
on plants from near La Honda, while albino mutants from near Redwood Retreat
(vicinity of Gilroy) he states “contained chromatophores which ranged in size from
those about half as large as the average chloroplastids in the normal green
leaves down to indistinguishable
rudiments.” His observations might
therefore suggest that these albino forms can result from a mutations either in
nuclear or chloroplast genes.
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