Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Poa sierrae – a Sierra Nevada endemic rare grass - List 1B?

Poa sierrae is a Considered but Rejected taxon on the CNPS Inventory. It is a highly distinct taxon of Section Madropoa [easily distinguished by its odd fleshy bulblets]. The FNA distributon map, and the Consortium records show about the same geographic range: I can map about 10 locations from the Consortium database and from the protologue [Wasmann J. Biol. 37:18-20. 1979] in Butte, Placer and Nevada counties at 2000-4200 ft [the Madera County location CHSC67420 is an outlier and might be mis-identified]. How and when this taxon got passed off as common whom knows; it was on the reject list on the 1984 CNPS Inventory.

Because of the paucity of known stations it suggests to me that it would be at least CNPS List 4, perhaps it is less common and would make CNPS List 1B. If it has not been suggested for review than I now do so.

Known Locations [Consortium accession number/latitude/longitude/elevation]

CHSC39500,39.64068,-121.27439,2004 ft

CAS623743,39.97274,-121.27602,2268 ft (and various isotypes)

CHSC37340,39.75111,-121.26891,3336 ft

CHSC41188,39.83305,-121.42397,2479 ft

CHSC96855,39.63283,-121.30083,2627 ft

POM265916 ,39.20236,-120.80924,3471 ft

UCD74356 ,39.03105,-120.70085,2687 ft

JTH4 2650,39.95084,-121.30246,2055 ft

G.H. True Jr. 6565,39.35343,-120.81760,2556 ft

Stebbins 5151,39.10299,-120.92471,1315 ft

Leonardi spring ,38.90896,-120.54636,4396 ft

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