Wednesday, July 3, 2019

Typification of Phacelia vallicola Congdon ex Brand

This basionym was published in Konigliches Gymnasium zu Sorau, Beilage zum Jahresbericht. Sorau 7. 1911.  The protologue is apparently not available on line (accessed 7/2/2019).  Brand (1913) and Jepson (1943) cite the holotype as “Hites Cove, J.W. Congdon, 8 May 1892”.    Brand (1913) cited only one specimen as “Parish”. 

Two Congdon specimens database on line bear this date: UC126012 is a specimen that was originally part of the Brandegee Herbarium (Carter 2011), acquired afterwards by UC Berkeley.  A second specimen, DS134418 is labeled as an isotype.   Parish's herbarium was sold to Stanford University in 1917, and for this reason the specimen CAS BOT-BC6817| DS 134418 is the probable holotype, and the UC specimen is an isotype. 

Brand specifically cited three other specimens as “n 126001 u 133062 in Herb Berkeley”, and “ud bei Hennessey Ranch (Lembert, Mai 1984, Herb Berkeley)”. UC126001 and UC133062 are Congdon specimens collected at Hites Cove, Mariposa County on May 29, 12898 and are not type material.  There are two accessions of a Lembert specimen from Hennessey Ranch (vicinity present day El Portal, Mariposa County: UC107446 and UC24328.  These too are not type material.

Phacelia vallicola was poorly collected until the 1980s, and its range imperfectly known (Bowcutt 1989).  At the time, it was judged a rare plant and was considered of conservation concern (Smith & York 1984) but was later dropped as being too common.

JStore Plant Science search on Phacelia vallicola yields a set of specimens under the name Phacelia vallicola Heller.  This name was never published: the specimens, NDG42076, K001096033 and  PH00028311.  The specimens are Phacelia hastata Lehm. var. charlestonensis Cronq. (Niles & Leary 2007)

Bowcutt, F. 1989. Reappraisal of the range of Phacelia vallicola (Hydrophyllaceae).  Madroño 36(1):51-52.

Brand, A.  1913. Hydrophyllaceae, in Engler Das Pflanzenreich, IV. 251. 29-57.

Carter, N. C. 2011. The Brandegees: leading botanists in San Diego. Journal of California Garden & Landscape History Society 14: 1-9.

Jepson, W.L.  1943.  Hydrophyllaceae, Pp. 223-297 in A Flora of California, Jepson Herbarium, University of California, Berkeley. 

Niles, W.E. and P.J. Leary.  Annotated checklist of the vascular plants of the Spring Mountains Clark and Nye Counties, Nevada.  Mentzelia (J. Nevada Native Plant Society) Vol. 8

Smith, J.P and R. York.  1984.  Inventory of rare and endangered plants of California.  California Native Plant Society, Sacramento, CA.

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